суббота, 17 октября 2009 г.

A Fake? (Some Days in Rome...)

Castel Sant'Angelo, Rome

Rome... The Trumpeting Angels.

Great figures of Trumpeting Angels with the symbols of Papacy on very top of some building in Rome and amazing blue sky behind..

The wealth of Rome

Parco degli acquedotti (Roma) - Acquedotto Claudio

The Colloseum, Rome

Well, I`m looking forward the Easter week and my pleasant anticipation is very strong. I`ll be in 'Rome again ...

Italian Music for Cobblestone Streets, Rome

This gentleman plays a wonderful romantic selection of tunes with grace and dignity. By all means add some coins to his case if you see him near the Pantheon or other spots in romantic Rome.

Rain in Rome, Italy

A rainy rome can be even romantic if you catch the light looking down. This upside down piazza was found wandering back from the Spanish steps to our little apartment near the Pantheon.


Italy. No photoshop, no HDR. Without edition, without retouching.